Revelation (33)


November 9, 2022

Passage Read: Revelation 15-16 Meditation Verse: 16:21 At this point, all seems lost. These last plagues are horrible in nature, yet still no one repents. Instead, they blaspheme God. They have no doubt about who is in charge of these plagues, and they are gathering…

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November 8, 2022

Passage Read: Revelation 13-14 Meditation Verses: 13:4-7 There are so many important things here to describe the beast. He has a deadly wound that's healed, and all the nations marvel at him and follow him. Because of him, they worship the dragon who gave his…

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November 7, 2022

Passage Read: Revelation 11-12 Meditation Verse: 11:18 The Lord will reward all the prophets and saints and all those who feared Him, whether small or great. He will reward them when He finishes His judgment on those who destroy the earth. That in itself is…

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November 6, 2022

Passage Read: Revelation 9-10 Meditation Verses: 9:5-6 These locust have power to torment men for five months, and though the men seek death, they cannot find it. They will not be able to kill themselves! But then the angels and their armies will be released…

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November 5, 2022

Passage Read: Revelation 7-8 Meditation Verse: 7:3 Before God can begin His wrath on mankind, He marks a portion of the Jews from each remaining tribe, to protect them, and He removes all those who have believed in Christ from the earth. All non-Christian Jews…

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