Mark Bemenderfer

Praise (5)

Answered prayers and how God did it

Seeking New Direction

Need We have returned from the Dominican Republic; our work there has ended. Crosswinds has closed Caribbean Mountain Academy. We're now seeking the Lord for new direction, new employment. We'd love to shepherd a congregation, but we're open to other opportunities. Please pray with us…

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Joe's Apartment

Need Joe's (our Chinese coworker) apartment in Weihai to sell soon for a fair price Thank you for praying! I just talked to Joe this morning and the apartment has sold. We had originally hoped it might leave him a comfortable savings or retirement, but…

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New Avenues of Ministry and Support

Need New avenues of ministry and support for our Chinese coworker and family, Joe and Hannah. We are committed to supporting them as long as possible, and we'll always be their mentors. Joe has accepted a position to serve within a local church. The salary…

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Grace, Mercy and Courage

Need Grace, mercy and courage for the pastors who blessed our work in China. They continue to be questioned and pressured over Mark and our ministry there, even though we've been away for almost two years. They have withstood the test and continue to serve…

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Smooth Transition

Need Smooth transition for ourselves and supporters to our new ministry agency Praise! It has been an incredibly smooth process for us to make this change to a new agency, and we have now arrived at Caribbean Mountain Academy. We have a very comfortable place…

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