October (40)


A Question of Authority

The Jews aren't the only people with religious traditions and doctrines that undermine clear, simple commands of Scripture. We're all looking for ways to get around the "unpleasant" commands and expectations of God. In this passage, Jesus deals with a challenge to His ministry, which…

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October 1, 2023

Passage Read: Philippians 3-4 Meditation Verse: 3:15 Paul believes everyone who is mature should have his same view of life and righteousness, that they should all consider their own efforts and privileges and achievements as rubbish compared to the surpassing greatness of knowing Christ. All…

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Honoring the Lord

The Lord expects to be honored as a father or a master. How are we doing with that? What does it look like to honor the Lord as He desires? From Malachi 1:6. Preached October 30, 2022 at Noelridge Park Church

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I Have Loved You

Many Christians wonder at times whether they are truly saved, whether God loves them. God gives an interesting answer at the beginning of the book of Malachi. How do we know God loves us? Check it out. From Malachi 1:1-5. Given on October 2, 2022…

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Can We Be Wiser than Solomon?

Solomon was the wisest man on earth. He has left us great wisdom in the books of Proverbs, Song of Solomon and Ecclesiastes. But was he perfect? Did he miss some things during his reign as king over Israel? Is it possible that we could…

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