October 27, 2023
Passage Read: 1 Peter 3-4
Meditation Verse: 4:7
The end of all things is near. Every generation since Peter is supposed to think that, so that they will adjust their priorities and live for the kingdom rather than for the world. Peter makes immediate application: Be clear minded and self-controlled, so that you can pray. Recognizing the nearness of the end of all things should drive me to be clear minded, to recognize what is truly important, and to be self-controlled, to direct my energies and efforts into doing what matters, which includes prayer in a significant place.
The goal of Peter's instructions is godly living, walking in obedience to the Lord's commands and instructions, living a life of love and kindness and service and care for others. Throughout his letter, he gives instructions on various aspects of living and serving. Here he specifically mentions prayer, which requires clear-mindedness and self-control. I need to know what's important and I need to do what's important, important in light of the end of all things being near. Jesus is returning soon, and the day of grace is coming to a close, so time is short for those who have yet to hear and believe. I need to pray for opportunities, pray for courage, pray for open hearts, pray for changed lives.