July (67)


July 20, 2023

Passage Read: Mark 5-6 Meditation Verses: 6:19-21 Thought John was arrested by Herod and protected by him from his wife who wanted him dead. Herod knew he was a righteous and holy man and liked to listen to him, but couldn't understand him. That in…

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July 19, 2023

Passage Read: Mark 3-4 Meditation Verses: 4:11-12 Thought It is not everyone who can understand the Word of God, but only those to whom Jesus chooses to reveal it. I can't make people understand, any more than I can make myself understand. If Jesus doesn't…

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July 18, 2023

Passage Read: Mark 1-2 Meditation Verse: 1:38 Thought Jesus came to preach, but He gladly healed people left and right. He came to bless people, to help them out from under Satan's thumb. He didn't build houses or provide fresh drinking water, He healed diseases…

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July 17, 2023

Passage Read: Matthew 27-28 Meditation Verses: 28:18-20 Thought Jesus obeyed His Father to the very last, even unto death. Because of that, the Lord gave Him all authority in heaven and on earth. Because of that we should have confidence to go and tell all…

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In or Out?

Jesus sends His twelve disciples out on their first preaching and healing mission, but He gives instructions that surely go far beyond this one little exercise. Those instructions make it sound like preaching the Gospel and healing people is going to generate serious opposition, even…

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