July 18, 2023
Passage Read: Mark 1-2
Meditation Verse: 1:38
Jesus came to preach, but He gladly healed people left and right. He came to bless people, to help them out from under Satan's thumb. He didn't build houses or provide fresh drinking water, He healed diseases and demon possession. He helped the people in ways they couldn't help themselves. He helped the people in ways only God could, but most significantly to me right now is the fact that He gladly and frequently healed them. All in the midst of teaching them. He did both. He came to testify about God, to show them who He was, and to solve their impossible to solve problems. He cared about their lives and wanted to make them better.
Jesus had genuine compassion on the people. The most important thing was that they knew who He was and had the chance to believe. Part of that was the miracles, but they weren't just displays of mighty power, they were helpful, they were healings, driving out demons. I don't know if the Lord would allow me to do likewise, but I would love to see Him continue that compassion to the people around me, while I do my best to teach about Him accurately and completely. But I clearly need to grow in compassion for the people around me.