Jeremiah (39)


May 29, 2022

Passage Read: Jeremiah 33-36 Meditation Verse: 33:3 This is a well known promise, God's invitation to come and ask Him to reveal great and mighty things, mysteries and future events. But in its immediate context, it begins with bad news, that the Lord will destroy…

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May 28, 2022

Passage Read: Jeremiah 29-32 Meditation Verse: 32:33 Lord, You said You would make a new covenant with Your people, a covenant to write Your Law on their hearts and on their inward parts. Why then does it seem that "believers" today still seem so clueless…

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May 27, 2022

Passage Read: Jeremiah 25-28 Meditation Verse: 25:29 Judgment begins with the people of God, and if God finds fault with His own people, what will He do to those who do not follow Him at all? Of course He will find even greater fault! At…

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May 26, 2022

Passage Read: Jeremiah 21-24 Meditation Verses: 23:21-22 A good prophet is one who stands in the Lord's counsel, listens to His voice and tells the people what he hears. They don't need a special message, just the Words that have already been written! All anyone…

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May 25, 2022

Passage Read: Jeremiah 17-20 Meditation Verses: 19:14-15 Except in a few cases, prophets spoke to groups of people, not to individuals. The next chapter starts with a prophecy directed at the priest who imprisoned Jeremiah, an exception, but most of Jeremiah's messages are spoken to…

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