May 28, 2022
Passage Read: Jeremiah 29-32
Meditation Verse: 32:33
Lord, You said You would make a new covenant with Your people, a covenant to write Your Law on their hearts and on their inward parts. Why then does it seem that "believers" today still seem so clueless about You? Why do they commit this same sin, turning their back to You and not their face, not listening to receive instruction even though You teach them daily by Your Spirit and by Your servants? Who really wants to know You and walk in Your ways? Who seeks You to learn from You how to live differently from when they didn't know You? Are there so many false believers? Where is the transformation that is supposed to come to those who believe?
Lord, the new covenant in Jesus' blood was to result in Your Law being written on believers' hearts. Your Spirit coming to dwell within us is certainly a part of that. So Your people should desire to know You and obey You and walk according to Your Law. Your Spirit within us should teach us, we should desire to read Your Word and obey it, and we should be teachable to those messengers You send to teach us. But it seems so often that there is only so much we're willing to receive, only so much we're willing to learn and change, then we hit a limit and are unwilling to be changed any more. I pray, Lord, do Your work on this campus and among us believers here, that we would break down those limits and humble ourselves before Your Spirit and Your Word, that we would be willing to do and obey all You command. That we would continue to be changed more and more into Your likeness.