January (133)


Fearless Sainthood

How are you doing with this idea of being called a saint? We’ve seen the incredible blessings God has given us in Christ, for His own glory. We’ve also seen the things Paul prays for saints, that they would continue to know God better and…

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January 26, 2025

Passage Read: Judges 10-13 Meditation Verse: 10:16 The Israelites had sinned against the Lord again, abandoning Him to worship the idols of the nations around them. So the Lord allowed the Ammonites and Philistines to oppress them eighteen years! The Israelites suffered bitterly because of…

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January 25, 2025

Passage Read: Judges 6-9 Meditation Verse: 9:57 The Lord hears the curses we proclaim against others, especially if they have done evil in God's sight. Abimelech killed his brothers and so Gideon's line was almost completely wiped out. But one son survived and cursed Abimelech…

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January 24, 2025

Passage Read: Judges 2-5 Meditation Verses: 2:12-15 How could a generation arise that didn't know the Lord? Because they dwelt among people who worshiped other gods, and those gods didn't demand obedience, but only gifts, and allowed and encouraged fleshly desires be satisfied in worship…

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January 23, 2025

Passage Read: Joshua 22 - Judges 1 Meditation Verse: Judges 1:33 Each tribe had their challenges. Some pockets of Canaanites and Amorites were too strong and too determined to remain alive and in the land! So the tribes compromised and lived among them, until they…

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