January 26, 2025
Passage Read: Judges 10-13
Meditation Verse: 10:16
The Israelites had sinned against the Lord again, abandoning Him to worship the idols of the nations around them. So the Lord allowed the Ammonites and Philistines to oppress them eighteen years! The Israelites suffered bitterly because of their own sin. But it took them a long time to realize what they'd done. At last they cried out to God for help, but He rebuked them and told them to go to their new gods for help. Then they actually threw away their idols and pleaded with the Lord to help them. Now they were acting repentant, and we read that the Lord could stand their suffering no longer. It pains the Lord to see His people suffering. He takes no delight in withdrawing His protection. But when they turn away from Him, He grants their desire and withdraws His protection. They don't realize how much He does to keep them safe or bless the work of their hands. Without His protection and blessing, they suffer terribly. But He takes no delight in their trouble.
It is easy to take for granted the kindness and blessing of the Lord and to lose sight of Him as the source of the blessing we enjoy. Then we look to others and see how little effort they put in to serve their gods and yet still enjoy good things, and we're drawn away to new gods that ask so little of us. Or we treat God like their gods and give little to Him and take whatever freedoms we desire. But devotion to God today seems to cost everything. The trouble is the losing of one's life and dedication to His mission, and the grief of rejection that so often comes with it. Who wants to believe the Gospel? Who wants to give up everything they have to follow Jesus? So many Christians are free to live for everything this world has to offer and they seem quite happy and blessed. Why give up everything when I could pursue everything I want and still get eternity with Christ? Who is actually being disciplined for disobedience? It seems the more dedicated a believer is to God's mission, the more they must suffer. How easy to confuse that with punishment for sin, but it is the opposite of rebellion that brings disgrace. It seems Jesus came and turned everything upside-down. So what will I do? I'm tempted by the same thing the Israelites were tempted by: Seeing how much others enjoy while doing little for their gods, even God Himself. Will I give in and live a life of worldly pleasure, giving a minimum to my God, or will I give all as He deserves and suffer the loss of this world and all it offers, in devotion to Him. He takes no pleasure in what I must endure. He will repay me. But in the meantime, others, even believers, will consider me cursed and under God's judgment. How will that draw others to Him? But it will. That's where salvation becomes a true miracle.