Isaiah (17)


May 27, 2024

Passage Read: Isaiah 23-26 Meditation Verses: 26:8-11 There is a way to distinguish the righteous from the wicked. The righteous walk in the way of God's judgments and desire Him even more. The wicked, though shown favor, do not learn righteousness, but instead take advantage…

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May 26, 2024

Passage Read: Isaiah 19-22 Meditation Verses: 22:12-13 The Lord brought disaster near them; it was coming to consume them. So they made all the preparations they could to withstand the onslaught, but they didn't turn to the Lord, they didn't admit that this was the…

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May 25, 2024

Passage Read: Isaiah 15-18 Meditation Verses: 17:7-9 Sadly, it often takes extreme tragedy for men to turn back to their Maker. Not until these nations are overthrown and everything lost, and the people who survive are few in number, then they remember the Lord and…

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May 24, 2024

Passage Read: Isaiah 11-14 Meditation Verse: 11:3 Jesus will delight in the fear of the Lord! Jesus, who is God, will delight in the fear of His Father. Jesus, who is beloved by the Father, and such love should cast out all fear, yet He…

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May 23, 2024

Passage Read: Isaiah 7-10 Meditation Verses: 8:11-14 The Lord spoke to Isaiah with mighty power and told him not to walk in the ways of his own people, who cry, "Conspiracy!" in regard to everything they call conspiracy, everything they fear. But Isaiah is not…

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