February (118)


February 22, 2023

Passage Read: Ezra 2-5 Meditation Verses: 4:1-4 It is great that these Samaritans wanted to help rebuild the temple, because they had been worshiping what they understood to be God from early on after their deportation to Israel. However, they also worshiped all their original…

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February 21, 2023

Passage Read: 2 Chronicles 34 - Ezra 1 Meditation Verse: 2 Chronicles 34:21 Just from reading the Book of the Law, Josiah understood that the Lord was exceedingly angry at Israel. He sent for confirmation from the Lord and received it, along with a reprieve…

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February 20, 2023

Passage Read: 2 Chronicles 30-33 Meditation Verse: 32:1 Hezekiah promised the people of Israel that whoever turned to the Lord and joined their Passover celebration, the Lord would cause the captors of their brothers and sons to show them favor and let them return to…

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February 19, 2023

Passage Read: 2 Chronicles 26-29 Meditation Verse: 29:34 Had the priests lost faith? During Ahaz's reign, they were driven out and the people turned against them, worshiping other gods. If they were loyal to the Lord, they had nothing to do but tend their lands.

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Jesus calls His disciples "salt" and "light." What does He mean and how do we carry out our "salt" duties and "light" duties? Do they have anything to do with the fact that Jesus didn't come to abolish the Law and Prophets, but to fulfill…

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