February (89)


February 24, 2022

Passage Read: Ezra 2-5 Meditation Verses: 4:1-3 Ezra calls these people enemies of Israel, but is that because of their reaction to the Jews' refusal to let them help or because they actually did come deceptively? Did they just want to seek the Lord or…

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February 23, 2022

Passage Read: 2 Chronicles 34 - Ezra 1 Meditation Verses: 2 Chronicles 36:15-16 This is what it will be like in the last days, before the Lord brings His final judgment on the earth. There will be prophets calling for repentance, but the people will…

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February 22, 2022

Passage Read: 2 Chronicles 30-33 Meditation Verse: 32:1 Hezekiah brought Judah back to the Lord in great ways. He was faithful to the Lord and trusted in Him and made all kinds of great reforms to turn the people back to the Lord. But when…

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February 21, 2022

Passage Read: 2 Chronicles 26-29 Meditation Verses: 29:5-8 Hezekiah understood that the trouble that had come upon the nation was because his father and that generation had turned against the Lord. When things went from bad to worse, his father turned to the gods that…

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February 20, 2022

Passage Read: 2 Chronicles 22-25 Meditation Verse: 25:27 How many generations of Jehoshaphat's family suffered because of his partnership with the house of Ahab? Is this three generations now or four? It seemed like such a good thing to Jehoshaphat to ally himself with the…

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