February 19, 2023
Passage Read: 2 Chronicles 26-29
Meditation Verse: 29:34
Had the priests lost faith? During Ahaz's reign, they were driven out and the people turned against them, worshiping other gods. If they were loyal to the Lord, they had nothing to do but tend their lands. Did they think this revival was going to be small or only temporary, so that many didn't bother to prepare themselves? Were they discouraged or did they just get caught up in their own fields and labors?
As bad as things seem, there is something happening in Kentucky, and I don't want to miss out if the Lord is truly bringing people back to the Lord. We should make preparations here; we should be praying here. We should be seeking the Lord and praying for a move here, a change of heart, first among those who call themselves Christian, second among the lost.