Ephesians (15)


September 28, 2023

Passage Read: Ephesians 3-4 Meditation Verses: 4:17-19 Instead of walking after my flesh, seeking experiences that make me feel alive, I need to seek God, walk in obedience to Him and be transformed by His Spirit. Then I will restore my sensitivity to Him and…

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September 27, 2023

Passage Read: Ephesians 1-2 Meditation Verses: 1:18-20 May God help me to understand and appreciate and be blown away by these three things. I can only imagine how greatly it will change my life, how I live and what I live for. May He also…

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September 30, 2022

Passage Read: Ephesians 5-6 Meditation Verse: 5:11 As Christians, we are called not merely to step out and away from the fruitless deeds of darkness, but we're also to reprove them! We're not just to stop doing them, but to point out that they are…

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September 29, 2022

Passage Read: Ephesians 3-4 Meditation Verse: 4:25 Because we belong to one another, so we must be honest with each other and speak the truth to each other. We must not deceive one another and we must not be fake with one another. We belong…

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September 28, 2022

Passage Read: Ephesians 1-2 Meditation Verses: 2:8-10 Interesting, Paul makes it clear in this chapter that we are not saved by our good works. We were dead in our sins and trespasses, we were children of wrath, we were separated and hopeless, doomed to destruction.

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