September 28, 2022
Passage Read: Ephesians 1-2
Meditation Verses: 2:8-10
Interesting, Paul makes it clear in this chapter that we are not saved by our good works. We were dead in our sins and trespasses, we were children of wrath, we were separated and hopeless, doomed to destruction. There was nothing to commend us to God and no way we could be worthy of salvation. So God stepped in and saved us anyway, and made us a new creation that would do good works, which He prepares in advance for us to do. So there was no good work we could do to save ourselves, but now, having been saved, we are created to do good works. And yet, in spite of the good works we do in obedience to the Father's preparations, we are not saved by the works we do after salvation. Our salvation never depends on our work, neither before being saved nor after.
I am not saved by good works, but I am saved to do good works. Now that He has saved me, God is setting up opportunities for me to do good. I need to keep watch for every opportunity to do good and step up to do those deeds.