Micah Bemenderfer

Personal Devotions (1057)

Notes from personal Bible reading and meditation with a goal to apply one truth from the day's reading to my life that day


September 12, 2024

Passage Read: Acts 12-13 Meditation Verse: 13:10 Elymas was a Jewish false prophet, who served the proconsul. When the proconsul invited Paul and Barnabas to explain the Gospel to him, Elymas opposed them and worked at turning the proconsul away from the message. According to…

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September 11, 2024

Passage Read: Acts 10-11 Meditation Verses: 10:34-35 Cornelius believed in the God of the Jews, that He was indeed the one true God. He turned away from his own gods and accepted the conditions and restraints and lesser position Gentiles had in the Jewish world.

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September 10, 2024

Passage Read: Acts 8-9 Meditation Verses: 8:21-23 Simon believed the Gospel at Philip's preaching, but he used to be someone great, called the "Great Power of God." But he saw in Philip and the Gospel something greater, and when the apostles came to give the…

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September 9, 2024

Passage Read: Acts 6-7 Meditation Verse: 7:60 Stephen drew from history to show how disobedient and rebellious the Jews were, especially this leadership. He called them out for their sin in no uncertain terms, calling them stiff-necked and uncircumcised of heart, the betrayers and murderers…

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September 8, 2024

Passage Read: Acts 4-5 Meditation Verse: 5:33 This is the third time the apostles were arrested, and their courage and boldness remain undimmed. They were just imprisoned, but released by an angel and told to preach in the temple first thing in the morning. Is…

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