September 8, 2024
Passage Read: Acts 4-5
Meditation Verse: 5:33
This is the third time the apostles were arrested, and their courage and boldness remain undimmed. They were just imprisoned, but released by an angel and told to preach in the temple first thing in the morning. Is that really so wise? They could be arrested again, and perhaps killed! If they're killed, what would happen to the fledgling church? And sure enough, they're arrested again and brought in for questioning. This time Peter doesn't leave it for them to guess whom the apostles need to obey: They are compelled to obey God. Peter goes on to proclaim Jesus and them as His murderers, right after they said he was trying to blame them for Jesus's death! Is Peter out of his mind? It's like he's trying to provoke them to kill the apostles! And lo and behold! They're suddenly enraged and thinking to kill them! Has Peter gone mad? Doesn't he realize his responsibilities to the church and the young believers? Shouldn't he be thinking of living as long as possible so as to multiply believers? No, he understands now that he has nothing to fear, even if he and the rest of the apostles were killed, because God is in charge and God wants them abandoned to Him, to preach fearlessly, even recklessly, that not only would others believe, but they would understand what the apostles understand, that there is nothing more important than preaching the Gospel and saving those who will believe or warning those who refuse.
This reckless faith is what I want! This complete trust in the will and authority and power of God that sets me free from all fear and timidity, that sets me free to boldly proclaim Jesus as Christ, anywhere and everywhere. This is who I want to be. But "wise" men tell me otherwise, to be careful, to be nice, and I fear my own sinfulness, that I would twist boldness into nastiness. There are so many justifications for not being like Peter, justifications that cloak a love for this age and the things of this world, that make such things reasonable, even right in God's eyes. No, they're not right. I want total abandonment to Christ. Set me free, Lord, from the fear of what men will say or think or even do, from the fear of even "wise, Christian" men.