Chapter 42 (8)


June 12, 2023

Passage Read: Ezekiel 40-43 Meditation Verse: 42:20 Thought This idea of the holy and common still needing a separation has come up several times in Ezekiel. Today we want to eliminate the difference, but this is about the future, either during the reign of Christ…

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May 12, 2023

Passage Read: Isaiah 39-42 Meditation Verse: 42:16 Thought Those who don't know the Lord or His ways are as blind as can be. But the Lord is willing to lead those who are blind, but He will lead them in New paths, paths they have…

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March 24, 2022

Passage Read: Psalm 39-42 Meditation Verses: 42:9-11 It is not unusual for the oppressed to feel forsaken, especially when mocked for his faith in God. When his oppressors continually ask, where is your God, as they abuse the believer, it is no wonder that the…

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