March 24, 2022
Passage Read: Psalm 39-42
Meditation Verses: 42:9-11
It is not unusual for the oppressed to feel forsaken, especially when mocked for his faith in God. When his oppressors continually ask, where is your God, as they abuse the believer, it is no wonder that the believer feels alone and discouraged. But the psalmist illustrates the need to remind his soul to trust in the Lord, believing that the Lord will eventually deliver him. We all need that from time to time, to remind our souls to hope in the Lord. The Lord will save His people, though it may not be in the way or at the time we expect.
Oppressors come in many forms, sometimes they aren't even visible. When discouraged, I need to remind myself to trust in God and watch for His deliverance. Even if it doesn't come in this life, I can trust that God will deliver me into His presence when my life ends. That is the ultimate deliverance, the completion of my salvation, and it is certain, so I can look forward to that.