Chapter 27 (12)


January 6, 2025

Passage Read: Numbers 24-27 Meditation Verses: 27:16-17 Here Moses is concerned for the Israelites, that there be an orderly transfer of authority, rather than an apparently random transition. Before he departs, Moses asks the Lord to publicly appoint the next leader, and God agrees. But…

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December 8, 2024

Passage Read: Genesis 25-28 Meditation Verses: 27:12-14 Jacob protested, but ultimately submitted to his mother and her plan to deceive his father. Did he just need her offer of taking the curse upon herself? Was he just so obedient? Or did he want the blessing…

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Jesus is dead. The priests and Pharisees have won! They are so confident and clever. They anticipate the next and final deception and take steps to prevent it. Yet in truth, they have it all wrong. Not only do they overestimate Jesus' disciples, but they,…

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Now it's time to carry out the sentence of death against Jesus. You've heard it before; you've seen it in movies. It is brutal. And the worst thing we can do is become numb to it. Jesus Himself had the opportunity to take a concoction…

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Jesus is condemned by the Sanhedrin, by the people and even by Pilate—against his better judgment. Can this really be God's desire for His only Son? We know it is, but do we realize that in suffering all these things, He was leaving us an…

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