December 8, 2024
Passage Read: Genesis 25-28
Meditation Verses: 27:12-14
Jacob protested, but ultimately submitted to his mother and her plan to deceive his father. Did he just need her offer of taking the curse upon herself? Was he just so obedient? Or did he want the blessing as much as he wanted the birthright? Was he really determined to gain these things or did he just happen to fall into them by lucky coincidence? If he hadn't done those things, would he have still prospered? God had already said the older would serve the younger. Were these machinations just things that God had foretold or were they necessary actions needed to bring about His prophecy?
Jacob left home and prospered, but not without suffering Laban's deception and manipulation. He was blessed, but God added trouble to it. God provided for him, but Jacob grew embittered against his father-in-law because of it. It's almost as if God needed to humble him after he had schemed his way into success. He lost everything, but God brought him new prosperity, apart from his father's household and possessions, which he'd worked so hard to secure. All his scheming was wasted effort. The Lord will accomplish for me what He intends. I certainly don't need to scheme and deceive people to prosper. As long as I have the Lord, I can trust that He will provide all that I need. He will bless my efforts to whatever degree He desires, and I'll always have at least enough.