Chapter 26 (13)


August 30, 2023

Passage Read: Acts 26-27 Meditation Verses: 26:2-3 It's much easier to be respectful and calm when you know your audience isn't out to kill you, or when you know there's no competition who will interrupt and argue every point. But it is an important reminder…

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May 8, 2023

Passage Read: Isaiah 23-26 Meditation Verse: 26:10 Thought Though they experience grace, they do not recognize or appreciate it. They think all good happens to them because they are pretty awesome. Their pride blinds them to the kindness they are actually experiencing. They think it's…

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December 11, 2022

Passage Read: Leviticus 23-26 Meditation Verses: 26:40-42 The Lord has been very good to Israel, allowing them back into the land He promised to their forefathers, even though they do not all love the Lord or have repented of their sins. Did they pay for…

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