December 11, 2022
Passage Read: Leviticus 23-26
Meditation Verses: 26:40-42
The Lord has been very good to Israel, allowing them back into the land He promised to their forefathers, even though they do not all love the Lord or have repented of their sins. Did they pay for their sin by what horrible things they suffered? Did they learn to walk in Your ways? Certainly some repented and sought to walk again according to Your law. But today it seems as though so many of them care little for Your commands. They are like all the rich nations of the earth, caring little for spiritual things, in love with freedom and technology and "science." Christians are little better, caught up in the love of the things of this world. Is that why we must endure a great tribulation? You have been silent and let us go our own way. You have sent preachers and prophets to call us back, but we don't recognize discipline because we enjoy such prosperity, though we lose our children to the world.
Lord, I would ask You to discipline Your people, Christian and Jew, but the things recorded here, the things that come for discipline are so terrible. I pray for revival and repentance without the suffering. Is it possible? Can our hearts be changed without such suffering? Nothing is impossible for You, but the principles You lay out in Your Word suggest that there is no repentance without discipline. Oh, Lord, open our eyes to see our folly before it is too late. And help me remember that for all the lukewarmness I see, there are those who love You with a whole and true heart. There are those who have not bowed the knee to Baal.