2022 (369)

The Year of our Lord 2022


August 27, 2022

Passage Read: Acts 16-17 Meditation Verses: 17:30-31 Paul's message to Gentiles was repent and believe in Jesus, the man raised to live again whom God appointed to judge the world in righteousness. Men are no longer allowed to believe whatever they want, but must accept…

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August 26, 2022

Passage Read: Acts 14-15 Meditation Verse: 15:10 The Pharisees were saying that the new Gentile converts needed to be circumcised and keep the whole Law of Moses. Peter answers and says that the whole Law was a burden that none of them have been able…

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August 25, 2022

Passage Read: Acts 12-13 Meditation Verses: 13:30-33 This is incredible, to proclaim that God raised Jesus from the dead and only a few people far away are witnesses. How can anyone believe this to be true? But that is the challenge and the miracle, that…

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August 24, 2022

Passage Read: Acts 10-11 Meditation Verse: 10:35 "In every nation, the one fearing God and working righteousness is acceptable to God." Cornelius learned of God from the Jews, and believed in God and worked righteousness because of his faith in God. But he wasn't saved.

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August 23, 2022

Passage Read: Acts 8-9 Meditation Verses: 8:22-23 These were strong words for Simon, who only wanted to be able to share the Holy Spirit with others. But what Peter said was true, Simon's heart was not right. He had been famous and looked up to…

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