August 24, 2022
Passage Read: Acts 10-11
Meditation Verse: 10:35
"In every nation, the one fearing God and working righteousness is acceptable to God." Cornelius learned of God from the Jews, and believed in God and worked righteousness because of his faith in God. But he wasn't saved. Yet because of his faith and obedient heart, God made sure to send Peter to explain Jesus and how He saves us from sin. Cornelius had already turned his life to obey the Lord, but he hadn't yet had all his sins forgiven. Like the Jews who followed the Law, he too needed Jesus as a perfect and complete sacrifice for sin. And when he heard, he believed. Anyone who has believed in God and seeks to obey Him is primed to receive Jesus, because they know that they are not perfect and are seeking to please God in hope that God will accept them. He was already conforming his life to God's Word, though a foreigner. He was already doing good by faith and hope in God. So much so that God loved him enough to send an angel to him, telling him to call Peter. How many people get that? This is amazing! This foreigner was so committed to walking in love for God and people that the Lord went out of His way to send Peter to teach him about Jesus!
This means that anyone, even without the Spirit, can be devout, can be devoted to obeying the Lord and walking in His ways! Anyone can understand what the Lord desires and do it. It is not too hard for us to love God and love our neighbor. But even those who walk in such obedience, they still need Christ to wash away all their sin. In fact, because they are so committed to the Lord, He will make sure they hear about Jesus. And especially such people are already humble and know that despite all their obedience, they still lack full and true forgiveness. So they are very ready to receive Jesus when they hear of Him. I have no excuse not to walk in God's ways, because I am already saved by Jesus! Those who love the Lord and walk in His ways are also very ready to receive Jesus. They will believe and obey anything the Lord asks of them.