Chapter 1 (64)


July 6, 2022

Passage Read: Matthew 1-2 Meditation Verse: 1:6 Solomon was born of Uriah's wife, and this phrasing reminds me that this marriage was one of great sin. The first child of their union was conceived of adultery, and the Lord took his life as punishment on…

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June 28, 2022

Passage Read: Micah 5 - Nahum 1 Meditation Verse: Nahum 1:3 The Lord is slow to anger and abounding in love and kindness, yet He will not leave the guilty unpunished. He will not acquit the guilty. Indeed, He either pays for the sin Himself…

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January 20, 2022

Passage Read: 1 Samuel 29 - 2 Samuel 1 Meditation Verses: 2 Samuel 1:11-12 After all that Saul had done to David, David did not rejoice over the death of Saul. In all his fleeing, David did not grow bitter against Saul, so that when…

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January 12, 2022

Passage Read: Ruth 1-4 Meditation Verse: 1:16 Ruth understood that Naomi likely had no one to help her, being more a widow. She was willing to forsake her people and likely any hope of a good future in order to care for her mother-in-law. She…

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