January 20, 2022
Passage Read: 1 Samuel 29 - 2 Samuel 1
Meditation Verses: 2 Samuel 1:11-12
After all that Saul had done to David, David did not rejoice over the death of Saul. In all his fleeing, David did not grow bitter against Saul, so that when Saul died, he could mourn in honesty. No matter how bad Saul had been to him, David still honored and respected him as king, even in his death. That is a powerful testimony and challenge to me, because it is so easy for me to become angry at those who mistreat me. But if I follow David's example, at least those over me, I cannot become embittered against, no matter how bad they treat me. Honor for authorities trumps their mistreatment of me.
If an authority is seeking to kill me, I may have to flee, but even in fleeing, I can't turn against them or hate them. They are still in place by the Lord's will, and they should be honored as His anointed. And when the Lord brings about their downfall, I shouldn't rejoice, because that would dishonor them.