Micah Bemenderfer

October 26, 2023

Passage Read: 1 Peter 1-2
Meditation Verses: 2:18-23


What Christ did applies to everyone, not just slaves. What Christ did, enduring the unjust persecution and murder at the hands of authorities, He did as an example for all of us who follow Him. We are called to follow in His footsteps, enduring even unjust treatment because we are conscious of God, and because we entrust ourselves to His perfect and just judgment. We have trouble accepting this truth because we make so much of this life and our rights to a happy one this side of eternity. But God's promise of a glorious and good life is eternity with Him. The test, the trial, the question is, will we obey Him no matter what? If we're not willing to obey Him, why would we want to endure eternity with Him? Obedience will not be an option then! Jesus learned obedience from what He suffered and so gained a name and a position above every name and position. We who submit ourselves to God, even if it means submitting to unjust authorities and suffering for doing good, likewise earn a name and position in eternity far above anything we could attain in this life by looking out for ourselves.


The truth is, we want immediate gratification, and in the seeking of position, we don't want to have to suffer beyond a limit we set for ourselves. But then, we're not submitting to anyone but ourselves. Jesus asks us to surrender everything to Him. Either He is Lord or I am. If I choose me, well, I don't have much power or authority, so I'm doomed. If I choose Jesus, well, He has all power and authority, and He will gladly save and reward me. The choice is obvious, but oh how I love myself, how hard to give up my comfort and safety for even temporary shame and dishonor. Help me to submit myself to every authority in my life, whether good and kind or evil and unjust.