Micah Bemenderfer

October 22, 2023

Passage Read: Hebrews 11-12
Meditation Verses: 11:13-16


Just a few verses earlier, the author mentions that Abraham, Isaac and Jacob were living in tents, like strangers, in the land promised to them. They didn't build houses or settle down as if they owned the place. Not until Joshua brought the Israelites in did any of them live in houses. Abraham, Isaac and Jacob lived like strangers in the land because they recognized that it was not yet theirs to own. The same is true for us: We who believe in Jesus are promised the earth, but it's not yet ours, not until Jesus returns to reign over it. Then we will inherit it. Until then, we're just strangers here, passing through.


I want to keep my heart set on the land to be given me when Jesus fulfills His promise. I don't want to set my heart on this world now. This world hasn't been promised to me; I'm just passing through. If I remember that, it's far easier to keep from loving this place and compromising my faith. It's far easier to give up everything when you have nothing. It's far easier to follow Jesus and live for Him when the things of this age and this world are not mine to begin with. I have nothing to fear losing if I have nothing to begin with. I need to set my hope fully on the kingdom Jesus will bring at His return, so as to guard against settling for the things of this life and world.