October 21, 2023
Passage Read: Hebrews 9-10
Meditation Verses: 10:26-29
The author makes the case at the beginning of this chapter that we have been made perfect through Jesus' death and resurrection. Here he makes it clear that if we deliberately keep on sinning after receiving instruction and knowledge about that wrong behavior, then we are trampling the Son of God underfoot, we are treating as unholy His blood that washed us, and we are insulting the Spirit of grace. That's not good! In fact, the author says we are cutting ourselves off from the salvation Jesus originally secured for us. And he does state that the person so doing was once sanctified. One who begins as a believer but cares little or nothing about repentance from sinful deeds will be lost.
It is possible to lose my salvation if I am not diligent to repent and remove my own sinful behaviors. Jesus saved me to make me holy and to make it possible to walk in holiness; if I only accept His cleansing but refuse to reform my behavior, then my cleansing can and will be revoked. There will be nothing left for me but fearful expectation of judgment and raging fire that will consume God's enemies. I will be counted His enemy, who once believed in His Son but refused to obey Him. God does not take lightly our need for repentance and change; He expects and requires it. So I can't take His expectation lightly; I need to abandon every sin I know of and conform myself to Christ's likeness. That's what He saved me to do.