October 19, 2022
Passage Read: Hebrews 7-8
Meditation Verses: 8:10-11
This is the new covenant that Jesus brought about: that we should be transformed and God's Law should be written on our hearts to such an extent that we no longer need others to teach us. But the New Testament was sent out through apostles who testified about the Lord and taught the people to believe all that they had learned from Jesus. The Spirit set up apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers, whose job is to teach believers until they all come to maturity. So the fullness of this covenant has not yet come, since we still need teachers, and since we still need teachers, the Law must not be fully written on our hearts. So when will this be true? Is it yet to come, in the millennial kingdom or after that, in eternity?
God intends to write His Law on my heart, if I truly believe the Gospel. So I should at least work with Him and with His appointed teachers to learn His Law and live by it, until it is truly written on my heart. Indeed, that is the same goal that was behind the commands to meditate on the Law of the Lord day and night, to write a copy and read it daily, being careful to do what it says. At this point, as a believer I should have the Holy Spirit in me to help me both understand and record His Word on my heart, to transform me. And some day I should need neither Bible nor teacher to understand and know the Lord, but apparently it's not yet time.