October 18, 2022
Passage Read: Hebrews 5-6
Meditation Verses: 6:10-12
The Lord will not forget all we have done on His behalf for the saints and for the Gospel. But that doesn't mean we can store up a certain amount of deeds and then kick back, relax and pursue other things. We need to be just as committed later in life as we were early in life. We need to guard against becoming dull, cold and lazy as life goes on. We can't rest in our past victories, but need to continually look toward eternity, and live for heaven. The danger is by checking out of the battle, we grow cold and dull, and possible wander from the truth. We also set a poor example for others. We don't have to increase in eagerness, but maintain that eagerness we had when we first understood the grace of God in truth.
As exhausted as I feel and tired of dealing with stubborn and spiritually unhungry people, people even who think salvation is just for themselves and care nothing for others, as tired as I am with dealing with such people, I need to not grow so weary as to give up serving. People need to be exhorted, they need to be challenged, they need to be pushed. Perhaps being a pastor is the platform from which to do so, perhaps not. It's the next thing I'd like to try, but if God has another plan for me, I need to embrace it and go forward. I can't give up trying, I can't give up serving. I just have to use whatever platform I have to do it.