Micah Bemenderfer

November 3, 2022

Passage Read: Revelation 3-4
Meditation Verses: 3:15-16


It is not good to be lukewarm in deeds toward God; it is no better than being cold. The only works God is pleased with are hot works, zealous works for the Lord. The advantage of cold is that they can be convicted; it is clear to them that they are cold. The danger of lukewarm is that when conviction comes it is reasoned away, it is silenced by speaking of the occasional, half-hearted deeds done for God. Such a person thinks he's good with God, but God here is clearly saying He's not good with such deeds.


God wants and deserves all my heart. If I truly believe the Gospel, then I should understand that none of these things I do on earth have any value unless I'm using them to advance the kingdom of God. Jesus said to seek first His kingdom and His righteousness. That means to seek them first and foremost, that they should be the most important thing in my life. So if I must seek work, then I should seek work that pays enough for me to cover my expenses, but leaves time to connect with others and share Christ with them and teach them to walk with God.