Micah Bemenderfer

May 29, 2022

Passage Read:  Jeremiah 33-36
Meditation Verse: 33:3


This is a well known promise, God's invitation to come and ask Him to reveal great and mighty things, mysteries and future events. But in its immediate context, it begins with bad news, that the Lord will destroy Jerusalem for its sin. However, it ends with a promise to again restore Jerusalem and make her the praise of the whole earth. God wants to do good to His people, but they must acknowledge their sin and repent of it. He will make those who trust in Him to be a praise and a glory on the earth, but only those who repent and believe in Him. They will be disciplined and purified, even by fire, but they will come forth as gold, glorious and of great value.


To hear from God, I have to be willing to hear the good news and the bad. If He has something against me, He will have little to say until I clear that up. He will offer promises to encourage me to return to Him and trust in Him, but I will need to deal with my sin. And if I repent and obey, those promises will come to pass, but if not, He will take me through the fire so that He can bring His promises to pass. Either way, it is good, and His plans are good, but if I want to experience His good promises, I need to forsake my sin. These are the great and mighty things He wants to reveal to me.