May 27, 2022
Passage Read: Jeremiah 25-28
Meditation Verse: 25:29
Judgment begins with the people of God, and if God finds fault with His own people, what will He do to those who do not follow Him at all? Of course He will find even greater fault! At least those who were called by His name had some faith in Him, they did speak of Him and had some recollection of His ways. But those who reject Him have nothing but contempt for Him and His ways! For whom will it go better? Of course with those who believed in Him, however imperfectly!
Unbelievers may scoff at believers and use them as an excuse to reject the Lord, and the Lord may be truly angry with His unfaithful people on account of how His name is blasphemed among the nations, but it will still go better for those who call on His name than for those who reject it! Believers need to clean up their act, to give God the glory He deserves. But unbelievers have no business thinking it will go well with them, because they don't even try as much (or as little) as believers do! As bad as unbelievers think believers are, unbelievers need to be reminded that they are under even greater wrath because they don't even acknowledge God!