March 25, 2022
Passage Read: Psalm 43-46
Meditation Verse: 44:22
The psalmist says that the people have done no wrong, yet they are counted as sheep to be slaughtered. They have been faithful to the Lord, but still they are given over to death all the day. Like Job, attacked for no apparent reason. But like Job, there was a reason, just not their wrongdoing. It was to display their faith and faithfulness to the Lord, that all the world and all the spirits would see how firm their faith in God was, and praise the Lord.
What do I love more, my comfort and the blessings that God brings me or the Lord Himself? Do I only love the Lord because the Lord does good to me or will I still love Him when things go badly through no apparent fault of my own? The Lord is God, no matter if things go well for me or badly. He is worthy of obedience and honor, whether He blesses my every step or not. He is still God Almighty and worthy of praise and faithfulness.