Micah Bemenderfer

March 23, 2022

Passage Read: Psalm 35-38
Meditation Verses: 37:10-13


There wicked seems to get anything they want. They seem to get away with all kinds of evil, whatever their heart desires. So it is tempting to envy them, to consider joining in with them and enjoy their freedom. But the Lord is watching and they will be overthrown and cast out of Creation forever. Their end is horrible, they will be judged by God even if they are never judged by men. Indeed if men everywhere praise them and join in with the wicked, they will still be caught by the Lord and judged and condemned. The Lord will have the final say and not one of the wicked will escape Him.


So there is never any reason to envy the wicked. They may succeed for a time, for the full number of their days, but they will be destroyed forever. Those that choose to humble themselves and submit to God, trusting in and obeying His Word will be saved and will inherit the earth. For now, the wicked rule and do whatever they want, but in time, they will be caught and cast out, and rule will be given to those who trusted in the Lord and walked in obedience to Him. So I will not give in to envy of the wicked, but will choose to stand with the Lord and wait for His deliverance.