Micah Bemenderfer

March 20, 2022

Passage Read: Psalm 23-26
Meditation Verses: 25:8-10


Because the Lord is good, so He teaches sinners the way they should go. But of course, only those who are meek and humble will accept His guidance and actually follow in His ways. Only they receive and act on His guidance, so He is able to lead them. But of course, He leads them according to His commands and testimonies. In fact, He has already recorded all He desires from His people. These meek and humble don't need special prompting, they only need to hear and see what He asks, and in their humility, they respond quickly in obedience. They don't need explanation, they don't need bribing, they don't need rewards. The truly humble obey because it is right, because they recognize that God is worthy of all obedience and honor.


That's what I need, to be completely humble so that He can lead me easily, so that I am no burden to Him, no unruly ox pulling against His yoke and resisting everything He is trying to do. I need to be a meek and humble ox that follows His slightest promptings. Then I will be a joy to lead and will walk in all the ways He intends for me. I can't miss one of them when I am eager and attentive to all He says and quick to do it. And he won't withhold any guidance when He knows I am eager to do anything He asks.