March 21, 2022
Passage Read: Psalm 27-30
Meditation Verses: 27:1-3
Ah, but I am afraid of these things, because I fear pain! David trusted that the Lord would deliver him, and he'd seen it many times. He fought against armies for the Lord and for His people, and lived many days. But days are coming when armies will succeed against the people of God, those days will be dark and many will seal their testimony with their own blood.
It is not the dying I fear, but the pain. Jesus too stressed over the torture awaiting Him, but He endured, He remained faithful, He didn't shrink back. It is Him that I should keep in mind. If He didn't shrink back for me, I must not shrink back for Him. The more I practice being unafraid of being identified with Him, the more I'll be ready to endure suffering and death for Him.