Micah Bemenderfer

June 9, 2023

Passage Read: Ezekiel 28-31
Meditation Verses: 31:10-12


It doesn't matter how powerful a nation may become, how great it may be on the earth. It is still subject to the Lord and expected to honor Him. The nation or people who become proud, thinking they made themselves and they alone rule over the nations, they are doomed to destruction. This is why every great empire collapses, because the do not acknowledge God, they do not humble themselves before the Lord of all Creation. Superpowers come and go; it will be so to the end of this age. They are nothing to be too excited about, because in their pride and arrogance, they will incur the wrath of the Lord.


What is true for nations is also true for individuals. Whoever is great and powerful and becomes arrogant will also incur the wrath of the Lord. Whoever fails to acknowledge the Lord will be brought low and forgotten. So no matter how successful I become, and there's no fear of me becoming significantly successful, but no matter what the Lord does with me, I need to remain His humble servant, and all I do must be to honor Him and bring Him praise.