Micah Bemenderfer

June 6, 2023

Passage Read: Ezekiel 16-19
Meditation Verse: 16:63


When God makes His atonement for our sins, it shouldn't result in pride and arrogance. That's what happened at the beginning, when God first chose Israel, they became prideful because they had been chosen by the Lord. They thought they were something great, and so sought attention from all kinds of other gods; they became unfaithful to the Lord because they thought it was because of themselves that the Lord chose them. But it was actually because of the Lord's compassion on someone that no one wanted; that's why Israel had to buy favors and attention! It was God's compassion that gave Israel value, not anything that existed in Israel itself! So when the Lord redeems Israel once more, she will finally understand that she has nothing of value apart from the Lord; she will be truly humbled and give Him the honor and glory He always deserved.


That is the truth about me: There is nothing in me that drew the Lord; He simply saw how unloved I was and uncared for, He had pity on me because no one cared about me. I shouldn't then go and think I'm so great; the Lord is great for the undeserved kindness He has shown me. How can I ever be proud or arrogant? There's nothing good in me, nothing that anyone would ever be excited about. The only thing I can delight in and rejoice over is that the Lord had pity on me and didn't leave me to die alone, unwanted. He deserves all my honor and respect and gratitude and life! I need to keep that straight: I'm nothing; He's everything!