Micah Bemenderfer

June 5, 2023

Passage Read: Ezekiel 12-15
Meditation Verse: 13:22


There are workers of magic and lies that actually cause grief to the righteous and encourage the wicked not to turn from their wicked ways. They cause grief surely because they encourage people to remain in their sin, but also perhaps because they cause the righteous to second guess his beliefs and faith. The righteous are grieved by the magic symbols that are sold to the foolish; he knows they are useless and only deceive the foolish, ensuring his downfall. Who is righteous and does not hate the lies that keep men from the truth? Who is righteous and does not hate the deceivers who lead people astray, keeping them from coming to a knowledge of their sin and need to repent?


The righteous is grieved by all these things, by liars and their lies, by the lost who are too foolish to see through the lies, even when confronted with the truth. He is grieved by the hopelessness of it all. If the Lord does not open eyes, who can be saved? Where is the Lord? Why does He let so many remain in their sin? Why does He let so many remain blinded by the god of this age? It is enough to dishearten the righteous. But God sees their grief, and is pleased that someone does care as He does, is grieved as He is. He is jealous for the righteous and will deliver and honor him. So, no matter how discouraged I become, I cannot give up on the Lord. It all may be coming crashing down; this may truly be the end of this age, but it is so in accordance with the will of God. He will reward the faithful, even if they are powerless to change anything.