Micah Bemenderfer

June 4, 2023

Passage Read: Ezekiel 8-11
Meditation Verses: 9:9-10


"The Lord has forsaken the land; the Lord does not see" was the excuse the Israelites gave for seeking other gods. But the truth was that they had sought other gods first, which caused the Lord to withdraw His protection and blessing. He didn't forsake the land, but sent prophets to warn them and call them to repentance, but they refused. He saw everything they were doing, and it only provoked Him all the more. Their acknowledgement that the Lord had forsaken them should have brought about repentance, not giving up and looking to other gods. That's what the Lord's prophets called them to do, but they weren't really interested in following the Lord, so of course they didn't repent.


If someone is willing to follow the Lord, then a prophet or teacher will see a humble response to the Lord's message. But if they're not interested, then the Lord's discipline which is meant to bring them back will become their excuse to completely abandon the Lord and look elsewhere, something they're already doing. Whenever I feel like God is abandoning me, I need to remember that He withdraws only to let me experience what it's like without His help and blessing, so that I'm willing to repent and return to Him. He hasn't given up on me, but I'm doing things He hates and I need to stop.