Micah Bemenderfer

June 20, 2022

Passage Read: Hosea 4-7
Meditation Verses: 6:6-7


God desires to show mercy, not receive sacrifice; He desires that His people understand Him rather than offer burnt offerings. But instead, like Adam, they sin against Him, breaking His covenant and betraying Him. He wants to do good, but His people want nothing of Him. They just want the blessing, they don't want the instructions. If God insists on having His way with them, they'll go elsewhere. So God is left with judgment, instead of the mercy He desired, the understanding of Him and His ways.


God remains God, whether I like it or not. This is His world, His creation, as am I. He has every right over me, I have no right to demand from Him. And amazingly, He desires to do good to me, even in my imperfection. He would rather show me mercy and me show others mercy, than He'd like offerings and sacrifices. Is it really so terrible to obey Him? Will He really ask too much of me? Even if He asks everything of me, is it too much?