Micah Bemenderfer

June 2, 2023

Passage Read: Lamentations 5 - Ezekiel 3
Meditation Verse: Ezekiel 3:27


Ezekiel wasn't made responsible for the response of the people, but he was responsible for his response to the Lord. He was supposed to speak what the Lord told him, but he wasn't responsible for whether the people listened or not. He was only responsible to speak to whomever the Lord directed and say whatever the Lord commanded. Interesting that at one point, he is overwhelmed by the Lord's own anger and bitterness.


I too am not responsible for the response of people to the Word of God, but only for whether I faithfully proclaim what the Lord has declared. I want them to hear and believe and obey, but that's not under my control. I can plead with them and urge them and strongly warn them, but I cannot make a single person obey. I can only make sure that I obey. And I had better obey.