Micah Bemenderfer

June 18, 2023

Passage Read: Hosea 4-7
Meditation Verse: 7:14


God has many things against the Israelites; they sin against Him regularly. They are very good at it, very prolific in their evil. He longs to redeem them, but they lie to Him and lie against Him. Here He says they cry out to Him, but not from the heart. When they have need they seek Him, but they have no real intention to repent and no desire to seek Him when they have no desperate need. They gather together for grain and new wine, but have no time to meet with Him.


God is worthy of worship every day, not just when things are tough. If I have time to celebrate good things with friends, I have time to celebrate the Lord for those good things He provided. He deserves worship and honor at all times, because He made all things, including me and everything I enjoy. He deserves my loyalty and faithfulness and honor and obedience, all from the heart, because I am His creation, and everything I enjoy comes from Him.