Micah Bemenderfer

June 15, 2023

Passage Read: Daniel 4-7
Meditation Verses: 5:19-20


When God makes a man king, that man has complete authority over those entrusted to him. He can either use that authority for good or for evil, for his own selfish ends or for the good of his people. That man will have to give account to Him who gave him that authority, for how he used this God-given authority. Nevertheless, while he reigns, he has complete authority to carry out justice as he sees fit. So obviously, it is best to know the Lord and understand how He wants His authority used. Those who rule recognizing that they are God's ambassadors, and are expected to rule as God Himself would rule, these men will receive great reward. Those who choose to rule without thought of God can be removed by God whenever He so desires. But until He does, that man still has authority.


As a father and as a shepherd, I have great authority over those entrusted to me, not the absolute authority of a king. But as the one in charge, I need to be careful to know the Lord and rule in His stead and as He desires. I'm not free to do whatever I want, but am accountable to the One who gave me this authority. Whether I do what is right in His eyes or not, I still have authority, but will be called at some point to give an account. While I have that authority, I am free to do whatever I wish within its bounds. I have great freedom, but must always remember that I will give an account, so whatever I do, I need to make sure I remain within His bounds and rule according to His character and desires.