Micah Bemenderfer

June 13, 2023

Passage Read: Ezekiel 44-47
Meditation Verse: 47:12


This is a clue that suggests all this about the sanctuary and the sacrifices and the coming division of the land take place during the reign of Christ. There will be Israelites who survive the wrath of God at the end of this age, and there will be gentiles too who survive and make it into Christ's kingdom. The Lord will give the Jews this final chance to make their kingdom successful and to enjoy all the blessings God originally intended, and they will do well, because Jesus will enforce God's law strictly. All the nation's will honor and obey Him, and the Israelites will offer the sacrifices they were supposed to, though sin offerings should be far fewer than were needed in the past.


The Lord does not let His Word fail. Everything written in the past that mankind has not yet experienced, He will cause to be when Christ reigns. He will fulfill every promise made. Because Israel never really experienced the blessing He intended, because the nations never experienced the Israel He intended, He will bring it to pass for a thousand years to show off the greatness of His goodness, the glory and holiness and kindness He intended to show through Israel in ancient times. And we who have trusted in Christ in this age will reign with Christ over all these nations, carrying out His commands, and teaching and leading all people to worship and obey Him. Now is a time of testing and proving to determine how reliable I am, how faithful to carry out His commands and teach and lead others to do the same, so that He knows how much I can be entrusted with when Jesus reigns.