Micah Bemenderfer

June 10, 2023

Passage Read: Ezekiel 32-35
Meditation Verses: 33:18-20


The Israelites wanted people to be established as either wicked or good, with no possibility of change. That was far easier than having to continually evaluate people to determine if they were evil or good. That was especially good for those determined to be good, because then they could carry on however they like in the assurance that they would be safe. They could also have those who were evil without ever having to worry about forgiveness. Such thinking is best for those who consider themselves to be righteous, because they have no fear for themselves, they don't have to change and they don't have to worry about hating the wrong people. But it is horrific if they are wrong. Which they are.


It is amazing how we've turned the Gospel into exactly that kind of thinking. Once saved, always saved. Someone prays a prayer and they're locked in, good and safe, no matter how they live after that. The only improvement is that wicked people can now become saved! Yay! Otherwise, it's the same thinking. God is unjust to take into account a person's behavior and actions, and judge him by his deeds to determine his salvation. But the Gospel was always a call to repentance for forgiveness, a readiness to change ways, from ours to God's, who supplies all we need to succeed at our new life. The wicked can be saved if he's willing to repent and believe in Jesus, but the "righteous" must also be careful to produce works in keeping with repentance lest he be found to be unsaved.