Micah Bemenderfer

January 29, 2022

Passage Read: 1 Kings 10-13
Meditation Verses: 13:16-19


God's word is true and reliable. What He has spoken in Scripture is true and right. If anyone tells me to do something contrary to what is taught in the Bible, I must not believe or obey them, no matter how godly or spiritual they may seem or claim to be. God does not give conflicting instruction. By His Spirit, He recorded the Bible, and if anyone comes with a "message from God" that does not agree with Scripture, I must not believe them, because it is not from God. The Holy Spirit will not give a new instruction that contradicts the Bible's clear teachings.


God says through the Bethel prophet that the first prophet has resisted the Lord's command by coming back and eating in that place. When I ignore God's Word because someone "spiritual" counseled me to do so, then I too resist God and become liable to His judgment. No matter how much I might want to overlook or ignore God's teachings, even at the counsel of many "godly" people, I must resist them and obey God.